Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

martedì 6 ottobre 2009

un minuto di Silenzio

Simone Neri - Nubifragio Messina, 02 ottobre 2009 www.Napoli.com

4 commenti:

Controinfo ha detto...

Maggie questa vicenda mi strazia il cuore; ci sono decine di disgrazie ogni giorno e a volte mi chiedo come mai non fanno piu effetto su di me, in un certo senso mi sento colpevole di insensibilita'. La storia di Simone invece mi ha fatto tanto male e in un senso perverso attraverso lui riscopro la mia grande sensibilita'. ieri un figlio mio mi ha chiesto come stavo, e io ho risposto 'beh non tanto bene " e gli ho raccontato il perche'...con la voce rotta dal pianto, costruivo la scena di lui che continuava a entrare fra quelle macerie e tirva fuori 1 2 3 poi 4 5... dove si sarebbe fermato? se ...non accettava le risoluzioni del caso e si e' eretto con tutto il suo coraggio immenso contro il destino, lo ha sfidato fin dentro la sua cavernosa struttura e non si e' arreso.
Vorrei tanto che esistesse Dio a rendere cio' che spetta a questo ragazzo dal cuore infinito

deleted ha detto...

io penso a quel momento quando ha sentito il pianto di un bambino di due anni...pieno di spavento, e non riesco a non piangere.

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Dear Author,
I have just tried to read your moving comment...it made me CRY....i don't know whether i have got all of what you wrote to maggs...correct..(MOST probably not).You are a very kind and sensitive man author.AND WE ALL LOVE YOU...!

full stop .....well sort of...)
ps..If it wasn't for you, WE would not have a journal to write on..in the first place...to CRY AND MOAN..AND GRIEVE;& in our own small way HONOUR Simone's memory..his life and his death...AND well...to talk about God.....in these times when ..it IS ALMOST NIGH IMPOSSIBLE TO BELIEVE IN HIM, but,.AUTHOR.,..how can Mrs Krap tell a lifelong Brilliant Scholar of COMPLICATED ANALYTICAL logical PHILOSOPHY to.....deep think.)(notice no question mark)I, as the most senior foreign correspondent EVER INVENTED... can DO THAT....i mean..you can just demote me to....'the office tea - lady'..and then i will read tea-leaves.Please Listen TO Mrs krakpot,
SIMONE ...will be rewarded for his selfless devotion to HUMANITY..(he was NOT thinking of a reward though)...HE HAD NO TIME TO THINK)...he will author..live on>>>>.WE ALL LOVE HIM NOW, WE ARE THINKING ABOUT HIM ALL THE TIME NOW,(whoever in the world now knows his earthly 'end' story)...he IS inside us all....he will never really die...ever.
A SORT OF HALF FULL STOP .He is the 'face of christ' NOT THE MAN WITH THE BEARD' AS MAGGS stated a while ago...he is COMPASSION..HE IS ...'LOVE'...& in our own personal times of horrible-terrifying uncertainty- of fear-of the unknown.. of lack of courage to go on.....THEN WE THINK OF *SIMONE*..AND we find that courage AND WE GO ON>>>>>> just like he did & we must all take a leaf out of his precious book. Remember author..lest you forget..you saved your own little children and wife,from an earthquake..that killed 1000's of people lying dead amongst you ,whilst you lived in YOUR CAR & protected your family......everything is relevant.

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Dear Maggs....I feel your pain...honestly I do...because i know it is real.
I'll cry for both of us...

it's the menopause love...

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