Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

domenica 11 ottobre 2009

there are levels of ignorance

In the Italian chat you find people who believe that a college professor would never spend his /her time in a chat and most important he/she would never exchange insults with people who believe that they can take advantage of her/ him by using a language the professor is not acquainted to, lol they are so wrong! Given the constraints that impinge upon the life of a teacher, the obvious code of behavior that she/he must obey, there is no better place to balance this form of unfair deprivation than the Italian chat eheheheeheh. It is a recent story the one about a student who all of a sudden, out of the blue, began to insult the teacher with phrases like " you are an asshole".The teacher cold not answer in the way he would have loved to, lol, he managed only to have him removed from his class, but not from the school! Can you believe that? Not only that but the student was given the opportunity to make up for the credits lost when forced to drop that course! But a higher level of ignorance can be detected among educated people who know very little about philosophy. Many believe that philosophers are wise, detached from the everyday life worries and material desires, they are as wrong as the first category lol. Philosophy is a discipline that often leads you towards a form of scepticism, nihilism and finally desperation. Philosophers are not immune to the every day forms of decay of the soul, on the contrary they are exposed to it for professional reasons.

3 commenti:

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

I admire you for being a teacher.I COULDN'T DO IT! Yet,thinking about it; I suppose i was one as well for a while.When i was a Nurse I had to teach pupil/student nurses many things.....only I didn't stand in a classroom day in day out....it was mainly practical stuff.....you know ,enemas,how to lift someone carefully without breaking their fragile bones,how to turn someone over in bed ,every 2 hours,how to give someone a drink of water when they could not swallow......I DIDN'T REALISE....THAT I WAS A TEACHER AS WELL.....I FORGOT...how many people actually looked to me to teach them the right way.....i never thought about it ,I NEVER had time to think.It's only now,really, that I feel ABLE to look back on all the things I did, on those wards-departments-and wonder, if I showed them the RIGHT way....I THINK ABOUT IT A LOT NOW.I wasn't dealing with bags of potatoes....THEY WERE ALL VUNERABLE PEOPLE ..OF all ages.....from tiny babies to 100 yr olds.
There were some who entered the profession/vocation as nursing was called them....who were totally unsuitable BUT 'BRAIN BOXES'...too CLEVER to give someone a little drink when they were thirsty and could NOT get the cup of water or tea or coffee themselves...THESE 'brain boxes'...were unable to see through ..a person...they could not Empathise & see themselves lying there in a strange bed -unable to even fathom how to pick a cup up-or even have the strength to do it...I DIDN'T NEED A DEGREE...(they did/do) to somehow put myself in THAT bed full of anxiety /fear/& misery/& total inablity to function ...how I WISH i knew then, what i know now....& that ONLY comes with MATURITY, with AGE....that I have always, since being a little girl respected....it's just the way I am....have always been.I DON'T KNOW WHY;it's just something inside me...so i suppose it was only natural to go into 'Geriatrics'..(care of the elderly).I am thinking about decaying souls now...I SAW SOULS DECAYING....I didn't know then, ...BUT I DO now.I saw a lot in my young years...an awful lot.I was laying people out, at the age of 16 ..wheeling them down to the mortuary..through endless corridors...I CAN HEAR the clicking of the footsteps now...in the night-day in day out...I didn't Think about it then,..I WAS YOUNG.-..I used the oportunity to have a quick fag(cig in english) on the way back to the ward..& sometimes..an even quicker quick/flirt/ kiss and a laugh with one of the new medical students or junior doctors....WHAT A TIME THAT WAS!.........TO be bloody sure....

deleted ha detto...

Too bad there arent more people like u. Compassionate, empathatic, and a sincere interest and dedication to do what is right, regardless of who is looking. The angels were looking:-)
Those patients didnt forget u. And neither did the nurses who followed in your footsteps.

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Grazie maggs... YOU ALWAYS say very kind things to me,that I TRULY DON'T DESERVE.

Thank you for your beautiful comment. I'M NOT A SAINT though.,...you make me feel like one....ST Emilia Janina Teresa. (beer hops)..........ahhhahahahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ...I DON'T EVEN LIKE BEER ....!

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