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venerdì 9 ottobre 2009

Of course reality is more like in Gore's words


Gore calls Obama's Nobel Prize win well deserved

WASHINGTON — Former vice president and Nobel Laureate Al Gore is calling President Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize win extremely well deserved and an honor for the country. Gore shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his work on global warming. He said Friday that what Obama has accomplished already is going to be far more appreciated in the eyes of history. Gore specifically cited Obama's United Nations speech on abolishing nuclear weapons, his shifting of the missile defense program in Eastern Europe and Russia joining with the United States and other countries to confront Iran on nuclear nonproliferation. Gore delivered his remarks Friday at the Society of Environmental Journalists conference in Madison, Wis.

1 commento:

deleted ha detto...

Gore lost out on a not so honest election. We lost out on 8 productive, and less destructive years.

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