Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

venerdì 23 ottobre 2009

just another news story....

Is it my imagination or are there more and more crimes committed against children? These incidents happened ( or at least reported !) in one week alone. Story #1: An Iraqi father runs over his daughter in a parking lot because she is becoming too westernized. She is in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. So this is what they do in Iraq when children dont listen to their parents?? and we're over there fighting for their freedom? Police in Arizona are seeking an Iraqi man who mowed down his daughter and her female friend Tuesday because the young woman had become “too Westernized.” The two women live together, although the nature of their relationship is unclear. The man, Faleh Hassan Almaleki, struck his 20-year-old daughter, Noor Faleh Almaleki, and her friend, Amal Edan Khalaf, 43, in a parking lot near Phoenix, according to CNN Story #2: ng There is a CRIME committed in there ...somewhere! The planning... the staging... the continued lying to law enforcement authorities. Has Child Protective Services investigated this? At minimum, both parents should serve time in jail, and then MAYBE they'll get those kids back....with a lot of conditions!!! And last but certainly not least,this heartbreaking story. It's already Yesterday's news. Authorities said Thursday that clothing and a birthmark helped them to identify a body that was found in a Georgia landfill as that of missing Florida girl Somer Thompson. The 7-year-old vanished on Monday while walking home from school. Police said her death was a homicide.

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Nice point Maggie, it is a crime against children before being anything else against the law to trick police and authorities into believing in such a staged idiotic farse. I am also suspicious that they may have given some tranquillizer to the child in order to control him better.You may remember that the boy felt sick during the interview

deleted ha detto...

i believe he vomited 3 times. Notice how the interview kept right on going? Mom would reach over and wipe his mouth and continue with their TV interview. It's sickening.

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Hi maggie,
It's all very weird really.I watched the video you posted about the balloon little boy...(but i have to say ,it kept stopping and starting and going back to the BALLOON..that .i got CONFUSED..IN the end.However i got the 'gist of it'.
1)As soon as the poor lad said he felt sick,(AND TO ME, LOOKED DECIDEDLY GREEN & VERY UNCOMFORTABLE) mum or dad should have taken him out of the interview(THAT'S NORMAL)...ONE OF THEM COULD HAVE CARRIED ON YAPPING...
2)Why didn't the 'Interviewer woman' stop the interview EARLIER...?
3)I have NOT followed this story properly, so have not formed any 'REAL GUT FEELINGS /opinions/..on what is really going on here.THIS IS VERY SERIOUS ,where children and parents are concerned...SO I reserve judgement till i feel THE little bell of ....'I AM A BIT WORRIED HERE'AND THEN I COULD BE WRONG..!!! etc...
4)The interview was DISTASTEFUL for me,..as it was to you and anonimo & many others..in that the child was obviously struggling and I WANT TO KNOW WHY...THE TV NETWORK/CHANNEL/ 'THE PROFESSIONALS'..DID NOT STOP THE INTERVIEW, THE SECOND THINGS LOOKED ....from my end...very very UNPLEASANT.(COULD THIS BE SOMETHIING TO DO WITH SICK SENSATIONALISM ??? 'VIEWING FIGURES' ?)Maggs, don't you think both sides here ARE to blame FOR a little boy having to IN THE END, VOMIT ON NATIONAL TV...? & his brothers faces...ahahahhahaaa i have to laugh here...THEY WERE NORMAL CHILDREN !...HE WAS threatening to be SICK..!.THEY ..FELT SICK!...do you know what i mean..? They are children...EVEN BILLIONS OF ADULTS CAN'T COPE WITH 'SICK' 'VOMIT'..whatever you want to call it..etc.AND HIS brother that was sat next to him..SAID IT ALL FOR ME...!...the second his brother said 'i think i am going to VOMIT'OR whatever'...! WELL...that was it...his face...said it all...BLOODY HELL...'DON'T LET IT LAND ON ME.....!!!!
4)You ask a genuine question,..if it is your imagination re: so many children still being hurt.abused/murdered/etc)..non-stop- daily -horrible- frightening news.Ummmmmmmmmmm phew..well maggie..i feel that perhaps ,WELL I KNOW IT HAS ALWAYS GONE ON...what i meant to say is..THIS..'.THESE DAYS OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY...everything is reported to us ...almost the minute it HAS happened..WE GET THE NEWS...OF IT. ALL.......i am 51 very nearly 52 now...in my youth...you just didn't get the coverage ..EVERY THING WAS HIDDEN.....the odd BRAVE REPORTER...would persevere with the odd...unexplained case.. of ..ABUSE...MURDER- You saw a few headlines in the papers...that's all.,AND ALL THE WHILE .VILE .EVIL THINGS WERE HAPPENING.!! AS THEY ARE NOW! WITH THE INTERNET......that's all changed...so i feel that in the past 30 yrs..things were just either covered up more or NOT REPORTED TO US..THE PULBIC...as it was impossible then.OH...time for a cup of tea..........I'l get back to all this........one day...

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