Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

martedì 25 agosto 2009


Dearest Author,all writers here, Readers -my DARLING fans all over the world...and THE UNIVERSE !.......I am now back from my travels & resume my place as the Most senior foreign correspondent ever invented......(although i might/probably/ be going away again on Thursday) ,I left my shield & and my gorgeous silk POLISH knickers in Galloway..Scotland)they have red ribbons on each side,you just pull each one and they fall off........oh and my BIKE ! one thing i can't live without...even though it has nearly killed me twice ) I have many exciting stories to tell. One even which involves adders(Britains only poisonous snake....yes....this is a true story of what happened to me 3 weeks ago.....a taste of things to come & it involves my bum..oh see how easily a rhyme can develop out of nothing...!!!
AS you can see I have been very busy learning how to become a CELTIC warrior.Infact...........A 'PICTISH' one; they are the fiercest...of all. It helped enormously being able to Crack walnuts between my thighs...yes...Mrs krap impressed a lot of people with that 'NO MEAN FEAT'....
I am actually writing this at BOB'S (my neighbour's p/c)...AS mine is broken down. I'm really excited to see all the new writers....!!!!!!!!!!!! it's super ! I CAN'T WRITE A POEM FOR ALL OF YOU TODAY ..TO SAY 'WELCOME.' (that's what i normally do here in my little house in the country to greet all new writers..(as I'm going to the flea market now -to see if i can find a rembrandt or something FANTABULOUS..!!! TO MAKE LOADS OF MONEY ...! (as i'm still poor)...OH and a tape measure....i need one to make sure my articles ,,DO NOT EXCEED ......the length of my ....of my...Ummmmmmm..i'm hopeless at measurements...Numbers are not mrs kraps forte'...
i AM wearing my LILAC RUBBER GLOVES.....to make sure I STICK TO MY 'QUEENS HOUSEKEEPING ENGLISH'....AND YES I HAVE A TIARA ON...it's got little pearls all over it...BOB said i look like a little fairy..this morning..ahahahahahahahaaa and TODAY IN HONOUR OF THE JOURNAL i wear the journals emblem....WHITE -FRILLY- STRICTLY STARCHED -BLOOMERS......
Now i must go in search of my fortune and destiny at the market....i might meet a billionaire on the bus...one never knows....
I hope you all have a lovely day.

3 commenti:

Controinfo ha detto...

Mrs Krap welcome back!

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

GRAZIE Author....CAN I HAVE A PAY RISE NOW ....please...?

Anonimo ha detto...

Mrs Krap, sei andata in vacanza nella SCOZIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:-))))))))))))))) amo quella nazione e la loro mentalita' i folletti, la musica Celtica e le BIKE, la gente ha un bel Feeling 2 anni fa' andai a un concerto Celtico e per me' indimenticabile-fai il Google, Clanadonia andai li'-ho capito nel tuo Post--la Queen LoL* la corona , il mercatino dei Pulci hahahaha bello eh? hai vissuta una bella avventura--spero adesso di aver capito davvero il tuo scritto in inglese :-))

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