Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

giovedì 27 agosto 2009

CNN and the Executive Office of the President InboxX Dear Supporter A member of the US Executive Branch, Office of the President visited Levees.org's website today. This happened just I was finishing a radio interview with radio personality Garland Robinette And that is good news at this solemn time of year, when we are observing the fourth anniversary of the Worst Civil Engineering Disaster in our nation's history. Be sure to watch on Friday, August 28, at 10p (EST) for CNN's Anderson Cooper will anchor an Anniversary Special featuring Levees.org on what we learned on a Congressional Delegation visit to Holland. Don't miss it! Thank you for your efforts and ongoing support. We are winning! Sandy Rosenthal Founder, Levees.org California Chapter kc.costa@levees.org Florida Chapter DrLevine@levees.org Illinois Chapter derbes@levees.org Oregon Chapter Oregon@levees.org Launching soon: New York chapter Follow us on Twitter! http://twitter.com/LeveesOrg

1 commento:

Prepotente ha detto...

Quelli la' hanno passato tanti guai io una volta sono stato in quella citta' con mia moglie

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