Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

giovedì 9 luglio 2009

In Italia il sesso non fa scandalo la gente dice: se non sa la fa lui na chiavatella con tutti i soldi che ha! ...

SEconodo voi questi ministri del g8 dopo aver detto qualche cazzata durante la riunione ufficiale vanno a puttane? Ahahahahahahahah

Last year there were also further controversy between Berlusconi and Ms Carfagna after a comedian claimed she had performed a sex act on the politician.

It came after Italian newspapers had been buzzing with wild rumours that Berlusconi and an unnamed woman minister took part in the sort of activity not written about since the days of and .

During an anti-Berlusconi rally in Rome, comedian Sabina Guzzanti named the woman Ms Carfagna and she hit back and said she would sue as the claims were ‘vulgar and fanciful.’

Miss Carfagna is the youngest member of his Cabinet and she entered politics in 2006 after a career in TV.

Many were surprised at her appointment, given her inexperience and before joining the cabinet she had posed topless and semi-naked, but always highlighted her family values and insisted none of the pictures was ‘erotic’.

Today a spokesman at Ms Carfagna’s office said: ‘We are aware of the reports but there is nothing to say at the moment as the agenda for the G8 summit is still being

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

ahahahahhaaa.......well, she IS VERY LOVELY LOOKING....

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