Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

sabato 1 novembre 2008

dal vecchio blog intervista immaginaria alla Palin

question ; What do you think of Intelligent design ? Palin : Of course I believe in intelligent design, you must be blind not to see it: The intelligence conjugated with equanimity is under everybody's eyes : For instance is not a sign of an intelligent creator the fact that the land of Canada has been assigned to Canadians, the land of Italy to Italians, the land of France to the Frenches and so on. And I can go on question" please go on. Palin: why the Indians were defeated by the Americans? Because they were Indians and it logically follows that they did not belong in this land. They should have staid in India. of course there are few exceptions: take Israel or Palestine. Arabs and Jews fight over that land, because of the Babel tower explained in the bible, they cannot even agree on the name of that land! Each of their Gods gave that land to their people, one of those two Gods must have not owned that land, it follows. Question : What about sex, do you see any intelligence there ? Palin: of course I do !!! men are attracted to women and vice versa and the outcome is what? A stupid bang bang in bed , one on top of the other, one bangs and the other goes " oh oh oh" ( women are even driven to fake pleasure by the way, intelligent design!). Now suppose that what it is scientifically called' fucking' should end right there after the last " oh" . wouldn't that be a stupid thing to like? That is a creation of an intelligent mind who fools us into it. We like it and we do it and we don't think of the consequences, children. They cost a lot of money and nobody would do sex for the sake of having a child, ask around! question : so do you condemn condoms? Palin: condoms are vetoed under my watch. In Alaska we use mink condom, you know for the weather and every time someone uses one, i send an angel that moves in and act on the erection, the male thing goes down and does not go up again until the sin is expiated question : what about oral sex? Palin : do you mean sex on the phone? ... question : never mind, where does this idea of mink condom come from? Palin : I am not sure, but I believe that when the first Sicilians came here they kept saying “ minkia che freddo! The Eskimo who are intelligent human beings grasped the idea immediately

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