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lunedì 15 giugno 2009

Music from Matt- Amnesty

Ahha! So let's go on a different route today. Funk Awwww yea. Funk, is groovin and sometimes dirty but always sounds kickin'. This is a funk band called Amnesty. From what I've heard they only have one studio disc called "Free Your Mind: The 700 West Sessions". This band gives me a tropical funky vibe. Although amazing (maybe my favorite funk band) not much is known about them. Here is one of their amazing recordings: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RCNZjfuMG0 I apologize for the message in this video, but the song is amazing. Here is another song from them, more of a funk half ballad if you will: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRRQ2_WXfgM Free your mind and funk on keep on groovin~

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...


Dear Matt,I have just listened to the 'funk' Amnesty band you posted...i was laughing at you apologizing for the message 'smoke weed everyday'..ahahhahaaa...YOU ARE SO SWEET !!I think YOU are an excellent role model for 'THE DRUG INDUCED YOUTH OF TODAY'.Having said that, I made CREAM OF 'NETTLE SOUP' yesterday from the young new shoots before the butterflies laid their eggs on them.(they don't sting and they ar'nt hairy when they are very young & tender..a bit like spinach..,i don't WANT larvae soup..OR A RASH..!!ahahhahaa.) I regularly pick dandelion leaves & chickweed,for my salads (ALL WEEDS...ALL FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!>>> YOUR MIND...& it creates a NATURAL 'ECSTACY' AS IT catapults us back to our 'HUNTER GATHERER' survival needs instincts.It's quite ADDICTIVE)I decorate my salads with wild sweet violet flowers....)when i run out of money for my cigs,no doubt I will roast and dry the salad stuff and SMOKE IT..!!!I DO make dandelion coffee..and it's a natural diuretic.. I have listened to both songs 'i like the first one best'.like you said a bit 'tropical' sounding vibes ...JAMAICAN????cuban ?
2 nd track- reminded me of the 30's ...even though i wasn't born then..
PS...If you stick a clover flower up your nose it makes you ...HIGH... a dutch woman from Rotterdam in Scotland told me that....I HAVE TRIED IT ..as i love the smell of clover...i like the pink ones best..more psychedelic & YES ..IT WORKED...!! Walking round with a clover flower stuck up MY nose....MADE ME LAUGH MY HEAD OFF.!..& all those around me...I LOVE NATURAL THINGS....

Matt J. ha detto...

Hahah hey very cool!

Anonimo ha detto...

aahahahhahahaaaaaaaaa...yeah...mrs krakpot might be old now...but she sure is bloody cool !!!

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