Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

lunedì 15 giugno 2009

I am reading about PRE-COLUMBIAN MAYAN SOCIETIES AND THE CONQUEST and how the Spanish monks tried to convert those people to Christianity by telling them that human sacrifices were the work of the devil; fair enough, those ceremonies were quite sinister and grim but how come the monks did not see a parallel between those sacrifices and the work of Inquisition in Europe where hundreds of thousands, maybe milion people were burned alive?

2 commenti:

Controinfo ha detto...

lol Senza nice reflection on the stupidity of the Catholic Church

Anonimo ha detto...

Dear Senza,Yes, I too myself, find it hard to believe that 'The church' ie..during the spanish inquisition & OTHER NASTY PERIODS IN RELIGIOUS HISTORY could do SUCH EVIL THINGS, ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD.(THEIR GOD)..and then try to 'CONVERT 'peoples/SAVAGES(in their opinion) all over the world to CHRISTIANITY.....it's just so hard to get ones head around...IT'S ALL MAD !
However I am a R/C.Those times were 'CHAOTIC' TO SAY THE LEAST.iT'S ALL SO VERY VERY..OH WHAT'S THE WORD....do you know what I DON'T KNOW..!!!
ps..Did you ever see that film..oh..years ago 'THE MISSION'?

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