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martedì 9 giugno 2009

Sex Scandals: Edwards Sex Scandal Humor Roundup

"John Edwards, presidential aspirant and author of the famed claim that there are two Americas, was apparently only faithful to his wife in one of them. Apparently he didn't realize that the National Enquirer had reporters stationed in the other America, where he was, in fact, banging his videographer." (Watch video clip)Jay Leno had a few quips last week as well:"I guess Edwards apparently met this woman at a New York City bar in 2006, and he is a pretty smooth operator. ... You hear his opening line to the woman? 'So, uh, which America are you from?'" --Jay Leno "Well, Democrats are furious, they're going on record now saying John Edwards will not be allowed to speak at the convention because of this affair. Yeah, instead speaking in his place: Bill Clinton. You have to put your foot down." --Jay Leno (Read more John Edwards jokes) The best jab so far came from Ann Coulter: "Lisa Druck, or Rielle Hunter, says she enjoyed her affair with John Edwards but the sex got a little weird. He'd chase her around the room asking her to pretend to be an ambulance." (Hat tip to Laugh Lines)And here's the best headline about the Edwards affair, courtesy of Fark: "John Edwards: Billie Jean *IS* my lover, but the kid is not my son"

2 commenti:

Controinfo ha detto...

Grandine ti promuovo a scrittore di scandali

Fiorella ha detto...

aho' nun me toccate er papa se no a domenica n'do vado? piazza San Pietro me piace na cifra e me metto sotto er barcone der papa' aspettanno a benedizione ah scetticizzati scomunicati! ahahaahahaha

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