Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

lunedì 12 gennaio 2009

Coherence,Loyalty and Truthfulness are her strongholds

wwwMrs. krap I was under the illusion we had got rid of those beasts from Italian chat and I was wrong. I made a point of not naming this person and some of her accomplices again in the new blog since I had taught a lesson to each of them and I thought it was time to end any further mention of them. She appears in some of the copies of the chat that they send me and that's it. Now I am forced to rewrite the history of this person hoping that it will explain, ceteris paribus, why she is so bitter with persons of whom she knows nothing and could not sweep their floor, namely you. Many years ago when I used to go to the Italian chat room she was there many hours por day and she was arguing with her best friend the Archangel, as you call him. At a point she began to importune a friend of mine pressing for a phone contact with me and I was quite reluctant because there was something that suggested she was not a person to trust, but since I trusted my friend very much in the end I gave in and spoke with her on the telephone In that long conversation she told me intimate facts of her life (I never உசெட் them in chat) and therefore I felt free to tell her something about my life: I was married, I had been away from teaching as much as I could but coming to the Us only in 2001 I had to forcefully accept the idea of teaching that I do not like, I told her about the place where I was born and how much home sick I was, and I also told her that I was about to have a colonoscopy test which came out negative: I spoke freely about me for at least two reasons, I didn't say anything that I wouldn't say to the person next door, and I felt comfortable also because what she told me was extremely confidential, not only did she told me that she had an affair with the Archangel, explaining me details of their encounter, but much more and I am not going to mention them. The problem that she had an affair while married for the second time to an American man - to be honest with you- didn't constitute a reason for despising her later - I am not a moralist, a bigot, I have done it and I feel that marriages are binds too strong to play தேம் according to the rigid rules of the 19th century, you know me. She also digged a path in my feelings as she depicted herself as a victim of this Archangel who was a monster according to her and she asked me for my help in chat. So she began to come into my ims and those of piccoletta, every time we were online together and it seemed to both of us an obsessive behavior. She would give us info to insult him, intimate facts and would see him everywhere. This went on for months and months, during which she would see him in any new name that entered the chat, including one I had made up 'Savonarola' because I plaid the role of a religious leader with that name to make jokes. During this time I had to learn from her that she was having other affairs, with men coming from Italy or residents, and the whole thing sounded pathetic to me because she was closer to 70 than 60, in second place she was making these stories up, hoping that, contrary to my habit, I would tell him, the archangel about her affairs and make him suffer. In a few words her interest in me consisted primarily in the immoral project of using a person to her own advantage. I finally realized that my first impression was correct and my friend had been wrong in judging her a good person. That there was something very wrong about this junkie emerged dramatically the day that, trying to help her, I said something against the archangel in chat and she authoritatively told me to shut up: she had made friends with him for half a day... she did not even found it necessary to inform me about it , this is this person! Our relationship ended when she entered the chat and harassed and insulted Aretusa on her tragedy. I felt compelled to reproach her in front of everybody asking her how could a mother do what she was doing. She has in the course of years given another aol junkie like her, detailed information on the Archangel family, names and facts, so that this idiot could insult the Archangel by naming his recently dead wife and his sons with the most dreadful comments. When she turned against me she did three things: 1) she turned even against the friend who hade recommended her as a good person. 2) she asked and obtained from another old female who had used me to translate entire sentences from Italian into English that her virtual man would write to her, that she attack me with stories like I was going in her instant message and try to have virtual sex with her!: I had the pic of this bag of fat and also knew that the pic was 10 years old, and whoever knows me knows also that I could not even entertain the thought of a sexual relationship with such a grandma! 3) She would enter the chat and distort what I told her on the phone to the extent that she waved between being pathetically ridicolous and disgusting, she would say things like I was not born in Posillipo but Forcella (lol ) Every body can call the Pharmacy in Posillipo and ask the doctor about me. I was not married but alone, lol people have phoned me here and they know my wife’s voice, I was no teacher ( lol I wish I was not) I was 75 and not in my early 60 ( lol I published my documents with the dates ahahaahahah) and most important I was dying with a colon cancer. This is her! Among her noble activity on the chat she insulted for months O’ Sarracin, a Neapolitan guy, making jokes on his young child, which I found disgusting! So when I decided to write an article about Italian chat, I narrated the virtual story of o’ sarracin in Italian chat and named her “ donnone volgare e ringhioso”. When she read the article the day after she run to the telephone and called Naples Italy to speak with the Editor of Napoli.com ( I have included the letter that this guy wrote on the journal to report her as a person of a very low level, it is in Italian but I am sure you can understand the essential points). she displayed the usual form of ineptitude in formulating the simplest rational argument. Now let’s come to the point I found in the partial copy of her blog you sent me: 1) Criticism of Karina; Karina is enough intelligent and belligerent to defend herself. 2) What she says about you: you were me if I am not mistaken up to a point. But she has no modesty, and so she can change version any time, nobody can control her, certainly not any kind of moral principle which is something she ignores completely. It seems that now you are a whore in her descriptions: if you are a whore what is she who would undress on Paltalk a site where people use web cam? She would make a point of telling me, when we were friends, so to speak - that she was playing on pal talk with men from Italy, usually younger than her, which is an obvious fact, nobody older than her would be interested in sex lol. 3) she asks the rhetorical question “ how is it possible that this guy (me) must teach our children” Sic! What children is she talking about? Her only child is in his late 40s and I do not teach “ non e’ mai troppo tardi = it is never too late” people. Besides, I would rather worry, before worrying who teaches me, who my mother is. I would rather be dead than her child. 4) In a passage of 3 lines she contradicts herself 4 times, lol. She says that nobody reads my blog ( but she is reading it!). Since she thinks that by never using any name that clearly identifies me, she is acting as her noble lady status demands lol, she writes “ I am sure that all of you know what blog I am talking about”. If nobody reads me whom is she talking to when she says all of you? ahaahahahahahah This is her level, I have no time to dwell with this idiot. 5) she calls Archangel “imbrattatele’ the translation would be something like “ a canvas smearer, or dauber” and then she posts a painting by her that she calls ’Natura morta’ lol, in English is ‘Still life’ I would rather say that hers is a ‘natura assassinata’ ahahaahahh. Archangel is a good technical painter who can copy anything, he would be hired for thousands of $ by counterfeiters, but I believe he is an honest guy, in addition he can competently make portraits of anybody. Here is her letter to the editor and his reply: Important; she tries to convince the editor that my article will help the Immigration office to remove Sarracin from the Us because he is not here with a regular permit. She has insulted Sarracin for months if not years, apart from the fact that no Immigration office is interested in removing someone on the basis of an article written in Italian in another country, ask yourself” how come this woman all of a sudden is interested in sarracinos problems, after insulting him with surgical determination for years every night? This is the individual you are dealing with! After the editor’s letter she should have disappeared from internet, but people like her have no dignity and the best you can do is: just ignore her! No time to edit this letter but I am sure you will forgive my mistakes. 'O Sarracino Cari Civita,le ripropongo questi commenti in seguito alla nostra conversazione telefonica.La lettera pubblicata da lei sul vostro sito di un certo Bruno Garofalo, suo amico e protetto da lei, è un'abuso della libertà di stampa.Lei non conosce quelle persone, né sa la loro storia, crede solo cosa dice questo professore pensionato che tra l'altro io non ho mai incontrato né conosciuto.Oltretutto la sua ignoranza dell'internet mi ha lasciata sorpresa.Lei ha affermato che tanto "i nomignoli" non danno informazioni di chi sono veramente queste persone.Lei, caro Civita, si sbaglia di grosso.Domandi all'ufficio denunce telematiche della questura di Napoli che afferma che qualsiasi autorità italiana ha accesso ai dati dei registranti di internet sia a Napoli che altrove, incluso all'estero.A quanto ho capito dalle sue affermazioni, il Garofalo è laureato, quindi, secondo lei, è l'unico che ha peso nelle diffamazioni.Le vorrei ricordare che proprio a Napoli ci sono miriadi di lauree false, inoltre lei non sa chi ha la laurea dei "nomignoli" di questa lettera che lei chiama articolo.Quello che mi ha veramente stupita è che lei non ha notato lo stato mentale del suo amico, lei ha diffamato senza curarsi di chi potrebbe ricevere danno.Un esempio è l'affermazione dell'illegalità di questo povero Cristo di Sarracino.Negli Stati Uniti in questo momento c'è un impeto di esiliare chi non è in regola, sia per il pericolo di attentatori che filtrano dentro il paese, sia perché non pagano le tasse e lavorano in nero.A prescindere da questo, lei non ha capito il gioco del Garofalo, che tra l'altro è in guerra con questo Ciro.Lei è diventato la scintilla per iniziare l'espulsione di questo illegale perché certamente qualcuno avrà mandato il suo "articolo" all'ufficio di immigrazione e di naturalizzazione.Si sente meglio ora che ha fatto questo grande servizio al suo amico Garofalo?Come si dice da voi... io faccio questo per te, un giorno poi verrò date e tu farai qualche cosa per me.Vergogna!Per citare uno dei suoi concittadini le ricordo che "Signori si nasce", lei purtroppo ha fallito perfino nell'evoluzione.I commenti, prima di essere pubblicati, saranno selezionati dalla redazione.Non verranno pubblicati: i commenti che violano la legge sulla stampa, contenenti insulti, espressioni oscene o razziste, o non pertinenti all'articolo al quale sono collegati.Ma lei lo ha letto il suo codicillo?Gentile Signora,come ho avuto modo di cercare di spiegarLe durante la Sua aggressione verbale telefonica, quel "certo Bruno Garofalo" è un professore di filosofia del linguaggio e della mente presso la West Chester University of Pennsylvania, laureato ad Harward ed apprezzato collaboratore del nostro giornale. Ho anche cercato di spiegarLe – invano vista la Sua irruenza verbale – la differenza che passa tra una "lettera" (come la Sua) ed un "articolo" (come quello del Prof. Garofalo), e di farLe capire che la libertà di stampa consente ad ogni giornalista di esprimersi come giudica opportuno.Il Prof. Garofalo ha inteso offrire ai nostri lettori una finestra sul linguaggio e sui modi di porsi di coloro che popolano la Italian Chat e lo ha fatto da par suo con proprietà di termini e senza fare altro riferimento che ai "nickname" dei frequentatori della chat.Per quanto riguarda l'ignoranza mi spiace, gentile Signora, ma è proprio Lei, con le Sue affermazioni, a dichiararsi "ignorante" di cose relative ad Internet.La polizia postale può infatti risalire - con grande fatica - esclusivamente al numero di IP da cui l'utente si è collegato, non al nominativo che corrisponde al nick che è stato usato, che può cambiare in ogni momento ed essere usato da chiunque. Lei, da buona italo-americana, evidentemente non conosce a pieno il significato delle parole che usa, ed è solo per questo che pubblico il Suo commento che viceversa, come Lei stessa afferma di aver letto nelle avvertenze del nostro giornale, contenendo insulti gratuiti, non avrebbe dovuto esserlo.Né il Prof. Garofalo né tantomeno io abbiamo diffamato alcuno, bensì solo pubblicato alcune delle cose che vengono scritte quotidianamente sulla Italian Chat, cose dunque di dominio pubblico e che chiunque - dall'Ufficio Immigrazione all'FBI - può leggere e controllare senza alcun bisogno di ricevere "soffiate" da Lei o da personaggi come Lei. Inoltre, se Lei avesse avuto un minimo di attenzione raziocinante nel leggere l’articolo del nostro Collaboratore si sarebbe accorta che, lungi dall’essere “in guerra” con Ciro ‘o Sarracino, il Prof Garofalo ne ha preso le parti difendendolo. Sia certa che il Prof. Garofalo non ha alcun bisogno di ricevere favori da me o da chicchessia, né tampoco ha bisogno di farsi conoscere da Lei. Ha iniziato da poco una collaborazione con napoli.com, collaborazione che ci auguriamo continui proficua nel tempo.Desidero infine ricordarLe, per quanto riguarda la citazione del "Signori si nasce" del Principe De Curtis (in arte Totò), che non si tratta di tre semplici parole, bensì di uno "status" da cui Ella è lontana anni luce.La saluto.

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Hello author,I have just got home...long train and bus journeys,..AND ..LONG DARK tunnels etc...NO SIGNAL ON Mobile phone.I AM ONLY JUST READING THIS LETTER YOU HAVE POSTED NOW..the time is...00:03 gmt...i will comment properly when i have read it properly...thank you author ...GRAZIE..FOR BOTHERING TO try and explain things to me...knowing how upset I was.I know how busy you are,it was very kind of you to try to put me in the picture.

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